CEA and PEA employees join forces

Danielle Hegsted

For the first time, the Classified Employees Association (CEA) and the Professional Employees Association (PEA) met together in a forum Wednesday to discuss concerns.

Annalee Hall, chair of the employee enhancement committee for CEA, said, “In the past we were working independently, but we decided in the last month we need to get together and combine our efforts.”

“Our purpose is to focus on the employee group we represent. We will act as one voce to the campus community.”

The main focus of the forum was the Utah State University Performance Appraisals coming up in the next few months.

Judy Nielson, president of the CEA, said there are about 700 professional employees and about 1,000 classified employees.

Classified employees, she said, are paid by the hour and receive overtime pay while professional employees receive salaries. They work until they get the job done.

Heidi Casperson, staff communications and development specialist, facilitated the discussion and said “the purpose is to let the employees’ talk.”

“We wanted to hear employees comments and concerns and address them,” she said. “We can learn from each other and get tips for what works and what doesn’t.”

Hall said, “Once a year, the employees go through a formal performance appraisal to find out where in the spectrum we fit in. It also gives a time for communication.”

She said the appraisal then goes into the employees’ files.

Richard Alsop, a facilities employer, said, before this year, supervisors did not feel it was appropriate to give the employees a superior rating on their appraisals

“We are not on corporate salary,” he said. “And it doesn’t cost the university 10 cents more to give us a pat on the back.”

This year, the supervisor’s performance assessment in the appraisal has been changed to four categories: Dissatisfied needs improvement, mostly satisfied minor improvement needed, satisfied meets requirements and very satisfied exceeds requirements.

Casperson said it was important to note this appraisal is not a disciplinary measure.

“I was pleased to see questions and comments made,” Nielson said.

“We are strong in number [now that the CEA and PEA have joined]. We have the same purpose,” she said.

Nielson said there will be forums held every quarter. The purpose is to disperse information, discuss pertinent issues and get input.

“If we [CEA and PEA employees] didn’t do our job, the campus would fall apart,” she said. “We are here for the administration, faculty and students.”