LETTER: Keep the College


This is to my good friend who wrote the letter about the Electoral College, and all those who agree with him. The Electoral College gives residents of states like Utah a voice when it comes to presidential elections. It gives nobodys like you college students a chance to be heard. Without the Electoral College the only states that the votes would actually count in would be the New England area, New York, Pennsylvania, and California.

There would be no reason for you to even go to the polling booths. Now is that a true democracy? I think not.

P.S. You don’t live in a democracy, you live in a republic.

Another thing I would like to point out: Do you really think that President Bush would go to war if he didn’t have to? Let’s think about this in a purely political way. President Bush is up for re-election next year. The majority of this country does not want to engage in a war with Iraq, hence, Bush’s numbers are dropping radically every day. He has also seen the effects of war with Iraq through his father. Again, thinking purely political, do you think President Bush would risk his election if he didn’t have to?

Especially after watching what it did to his father, it is political suicide. My only request is that you look at all sides before jumping to conclusions in the political world. Things are not always as they seem.

Tracy Schmidt