LETTER: People need tolerance


I am writing this in response to the “We Need Consistency” letter submitted by the two guys who were concerned about the Condom Bingo night put on at Bullen Hall.

I am dumbfounded by the naiveté and complete lack of tolerance they exhibit for lifestyles that are different from their own. Perhaps a lesson in remedial English comprehension is in order.

Granted, the housing rules state that “overnight guests of the opposite sex are prohibited,” but that statement does not equal “having sex is prohibited.” I mean seriously, do you really think that a government-funded university would try to regulate the personal behavior of adults?

Just because having sex may be in contradiction to many individuals’ religious beliefs, you have to realize that not everyone exists within your little bubble and constraints of your belief system.

Whatever choices you make in regards to your sexuality are your business, but everyone else also has the same right to make his own decisions. I for one applaud this activity as a means of promoting safety for those who choose to engage in sexual intimacy.

Because whether or not you want to accept it, sex is a common activity for college students. USU Housing should be applauded for attempting to educate and inform the students about the need for safe sex.

Stephen Hetzel