LETTER: Wake-up call


I am writing in response to a letter printed in the Feb. 12 Statesman. The letter is titled “Let’s have some decency,” and goes on to say that the image printed on the Persian Peacock’s advertisement was inappropriate and offensive.

My question is, “To whom is the image offensive?” I just want to send a wake-up call to Josh Black, Desi Groll and you 22 unanimous others: You are university students. By choosing to further your own education in the university setting you are also choosing to become well-rounded and educated in the ways of the world, hence the word following Utah State.

In educating yourselves with these worldly ways you need to understand and accept that there are larger problems going on in our world than a cleavage-showing cartoon on newsprint. As you 24 people sat around and concocted this anti-cartoon letter, many USU students were engaging in trans-cultural conversations about our world and the absolute possibility of war.

What I think is inappropriate and offensive is that all of you are so worried about what your virgin eyes might see, while there are USU students who are worried about ethnic persecution and are forced to contemplate the safety of their families and what will happen if we go to war.

So, what I ask is that you stop being selfish with your time, when you congregate with 24 people, converse about educated matters, truly contemplate life and death. Find comfort that cartoons are taking up the Statesman’s pages and not photographic reports of bloodshed.

Meagin Thayn