LETTER: Don’t judge other people

Dear Editor, My views on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints echo those expressed by Robert McKenzie in his “Different but the same” article. First of all, I’m a Latter-day Saint and was “raised in the faith.” However, I’m a southern (Utah) rebel and do not hail from the “cookie-cutter” culture of the greater Wasatch Front. We all know this place; a place where Old Navy clones drink caffeine-free Coke, watch edited versions of Braveheart and look down on their unholy “non-member” or “member” counterparts who (gasp) drink regular Coke. They dwell in a veritable City of Enoch and are comforted with the knowledge that they will someday be lifted into heaven, leaving the imperfect sinners behind to be consumed in an everlasting lake of fire and brimstone. I know, I know – I’m being a bit harsh, but unfortunately this is a fairly accurate description of some of our “holier than thou” friends from the other side of the mountain. Now, I’m not an apostate, and consider myself to be a good Mormon. In fact, I proudly bear those two infamous letters behind my name: RM. Yes, I spent two of the best years of my life in Scotland sharing a message that was important to me with those willing to listen. I continue to share this message and in the future I will do so with my own children. Simply put, I’m a Mormon. But I don’t judge others, nor do I justify my own sins. Latter-day Saints are not superior to other Christian denominations, Muslims, Jews, atheists, agnostics, evolutionists, Druids, etc. So for God’s literal sake, don’t act like it. Christ said, “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone,” (John 8:7, King James Version). I’m reminded of a joke: Q: What happens at a BYU party when somebody brings in a six-pack of beer? A: Everyone puts on their clothes and goes home. Please, don’t harshly judge those who choose to sin differently than you.

Bowdie Pollock