Traditions Week starts

Tiffany Erickson

This week the Associated Students of Utah State University will be holding its second annual Traditions Week.

During the week, USU will be observing traditions from the past and creating new traditions to be carried on in future years.

Karmann Clements, organizations and traditions vice president for ASUSU, said Traditions Week was born last year when Chelsea Crane, ASUSU organizations and traditions for 2000-2001, started it as a way for the students to learn about Aggie traditions.

“This is just a great way for students to learn about Aggie traditions, and being the first of the year, it’s a good time for students to get involved,” Clements said.

Clements said there will be activities going on every day this week.

Monday will kick off the week with True Aggie night, which started in 1916 as an initiation in which every young man had to kiss a willing young woman on top of the “A” under a full moon at midnight.

Clements said also on Monday is the play “Death of a Salesman,” at 7:30 p.m. at the Kent Concert Hall. The cost is $3 with a student ID.

Tuesday, there will be “Breakfast on the Go” between 8:30 and 11 a.m. That morning, students can come and get free bread from Old Grist Mill at the Eccles Business Building, the Taggart Student Center and Old Main.

Clements said later that day there will also be a scavenger hunt. She said forms will be in The Utah Statesman and the winner will receive a motorized scooter while the second, third and fourth places will get to sit on the couch at the basketball game.

Clements said Wednesday the tradition observed will be the Hello Walk.

“The Hello Walk is a 1960s tradition where when students are walking on the sidewalk they are supposed to greet each other with friendly hellos,” Clements said.

The walk starts from the north entrance of Old Main and goes across campus. She said another Wednesday activity is the Club Fair, which will be from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Sunburst Lounge.

Then at 7 p.m. will be a STAB movie, Enemy at the Gates, free in the Kent Concert Hall.

Thursday, ROTC will hold a variety of events including a flag ceremony to honor those who are now serving our country.

Finally, Clements said, Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. students will be able to talk to their college senators and find out about academic traditions.

Also there will be a sweatshirt switch and Aggie Ice Cream at 11:30 a.m. Clements said students can bring a sweatshirt from another university and trade for a USU sweatshirt, however there are only 100 sweatshirts going to be available.

“I think that this will be a really good thing, especially for new students,” said Richard Corley, a first year psychology major. “It’s a great way to kick off the new semester.”