Police Blotter

Jan. 11 2002 A bottle of alcohol was found in a room in Mountain View Tower. The incident will be handled by Housing and Food Services.

Jan. 12 2002 Police responded to a report of an injured deer near the Physical Plant Building. The deer escaped before officers were able to take care of it.

Police responded to an individual who was contemplating suicide. The individual was taken to Logan Regional Hospital for further care and evaluation.

Jan. 13 2002 Police responded to a report of a broken window at the Harrison Museum of Art. The window appeared to be intentionally damaged.

Police responded to a possible suicide attempt. The incident was handled without a problem.

Jan. 14 2002 Police responded to a horn that had shorted on a vehicle parked at Aggie Village. Police were able to stop the horn from sounding.

Police transported a student from the USU Wellness Center to the Logan Regional Emergency Room for possible appendicitis.

Jan. 15 2002 A stray cat was impounded after being dropped off at an on-campus office.

Jan. 16 2002 A bus driver reported a projectile had hit his front windshield as he was driving near 800 N. and 800 East. Police are investigating the incident.

An individual was walking east from the Geology Building when she fell into a construction hole which was marked with an orange cone. This individual reported slight injuries.

Police responded to a delayed fire call. A fire extinguisher had been used to put out a grease fire on a stove top in Summit Hall. No injuries or damages were reported.

Police received a report of a vehicle that had two of its tires slashed on separate occasions on the east side of Richards Hall.

Jan. 17 2002 Police responded to a report of damage to a bike rack in front of the Geology Building. The bike rack was not damaged, but had been flipped upside down.

Polic responded to an individual harassing several residents in Valley View Tower.