LETTER: Changes made after research

Dear Editor,

The elected officers of the Associated Students of Utah State University Executive Council have recently had the opportunity to review several comments regarding changes in representation of our Extension students.

These changes, brought about by legislation, are the result of a semester of compiling information from the students of Extension sites across the state, as well as much structured debate by your elected officials. At this time we would like to reaffirm our commitment to providing effective student representation to all of our students.

We recognize there exists among us all differences of opinion. Much of the constructive student policy at USU comes about as we all voice our various opinions in our endeavor to create a better learning and extracurricular environment. The recent legislation pertaining to the new roles of Extension student government reflects this very ideal.

The objectives of the legislation are to empower Extension student governments within their areas of administrative jurisdiction and enable them to govern their students’ fees that stay at their respective sites. We look forward to presenting this legislation for student body approval in the upcoming referendum, and encourage students to voice their opinions after they have investigated the issues. We further invite anyone who is interested in this issue to speak with members of the ASUSU Executive Council.

We feel there exists many political avenues within the framework of our ASUSU Constitution to pursue the enactment of legislation or changes in student policy. We encourage individuals who have concerns regarding student issues to use these mechanisms to make their voices heard. It is our opinion that in these matters personal attacks are inappropriate and do not reflect sound student government.

In light of the above, we would like to commend Tad Thornton, our Extensions vice president, for his integrity, untiring efforts in compiling survey data and student opinions, and actively contributing to the ASUSU Executive Council for the betterment of student government.

Preston Frischknecht

for the ASUSU Executive Council