Fight beer goggles with the buddy system

Danielle Manley

Alcohol clouds your judgement and affects your motor skills. We’ve been taught these facts since first grade. But we drink anyway because it’s an effective way of winding down after a busy week spent on campus studying for exams and cramming our brains with information.

It’s important to address a common problem I’ve seen at many parties in Logan. There is a little something in the party world we call beer goggles. If you don’t know what it is, it’s almost exactly what it sounds like.

One of my several possible disadvantages of consuming large amounts of alcohol is seeing people as perhaps better than they appear when you’re sober. I’m going to be blunt and honest – sometimes we do things we regret with ugly people when we’re drunk.

That might sound harsh – but it’s true. Though it’s hard to avoid the beer goggles when you’re at a weekend house party, it’s definitely doable.

Party with a sober friend – a friend that will have your back should an unattractive fellow partier catch your drunk eye. Let this friend know you may have a tendency to fall over anyone who crosses your path.

The other solution is simple. Don’t drink. It’s difficult, but your liver will thank you. And those of you who don’t socialize in the party circle, you’re already one step ahead of us.
There you have it – two simple solutions to avoid sending that “I’m not interested” text a couple days later. Should you happen to get drunk and play with the goggles anyway – eat, drink and be merry my friends!