Brown named top Aggie

Julie Ann Grosshans

Utah Statesman: Your younger brother Mike plays basketball for Mountain Crest High School, do you give him any pointers?

Tony Brown: Yeah, I give them to him all the time. When I get a chance to go watch him play, which isn’t much, he’ll ask a few things and I’ll give him some hints and tips.

US: What was it like playing against teammate Chad Evans [who went to Weber High]?

TB: I played against Chad my sophomore and junior years, which were his junior and senior years. It was a good rival. We made fun of him because he wasn’t on our team.

US: A lot of people talk about you being a leader on the team, do you feel like you are?

TB: We have a lot of leaders on this team. I’m one, B-Ray [Ray], [Jeremy] Vague. The people who have been here, who know what’s going on are all leaders. Everyone is a leader in their own way.

US: Who do you think has been the biggest surprise this season?

TB: I don’t know. It would be hard to name just one person. There are three or four people who have stepped up and done really well.

US: You have been knocking down a lot of 3 pointers recently, is it something you have been working on or do you just feel like you’re in the zone?

TB: Just something I’ve been working on. I’ve been getting a lot of open shots and they are just happening to go in.

US: What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep at night?

TB: Probably just watching TV and relaxing on the couch.

US: What was the last movie you saw in the theater?

TB: American Pie 2. It was really funny.

US: What do you think has been the greatest invention of your lifetime?

TB: There have been a lot of technological things so it would definitely have to be something about the technology that has come through such as the Internet.

US: Do you have any pregame traditions?

TB: No. I like to get there as early as possible to warm up. Other than that there are not a lot of traditions. I’m not really one of those type of people.

US: Do you keep in touch with any of your former teammates?

TB: No. Actually I don’t know any of their numbers or I would. Shawn Daniels was up here in the fall and it was nice to see him. Bernard [Rock] was up here in the fall and Curtis [Bobb] was just up here over the Christmas Break. It was nice to see those guys. I’d like to keep up with them more, but it is hard as busy as we are and as busy as they are.