Bill regarding Hendricks passes

Kari Gray

Agricultural professor Haven Hendricks is supported by students, according to a bill passed during the Associated Students of Utah State University’s Executive Council on Tuesday night.

Mark Ure, Agricultural senator, said as a result Hendricks’ suspension, students he has been the academic, club adviser and coach to are being left with no alternative faculty member to fulfill those positions.

Ure said this hurts students Hendricks works with because there are competitions coming up they only get one chance of eligibility to participate in. If there is no adviser to take Hendricks’ position, the students miss out on a great opportunity to compete and other important activities.

Nollie Haws, public relations vice president, said, “The administration has done everything in their power to try to replace Hendricks’ position, but they also have the prerogative to remove him from his duties. No one else is stepping up to the plate.”

Ure said because the Faculty Review Committee for Hendricks has delayed meetings to resolve the issues and a resolution will not take place before the end of the school year, “It is up to [ASUSU] to get something done.”

However, Andy Dilley, activities vice president, said, “This [issue] is something best left to the administration, and I don’t think this is something ASUSU should be wading into.”

According to the bill, the recommendation made by the ASUSU Executive Council states, “Be it therefore further resolved that if a person is not found to replace the position of academic adviser, club adviser and coach by Feb. 25, 2002, that professor Haven Hendricks be allowed to resume his duties [in those positions].”