Our VIEW: Memorial service will offer closure

Today’s memorial service is expected to draw about 10,000 people in attendance. Tribute will be paid to the nine men from the Utah State University agriculture technology program who were killed in the tragic van crash of Sept. 26. Leaders from the LDS faith (to which all nine men belonged) will speak, music will be offered by the world renowned Mormon Tabernacle Choir and members of the USU administration all also offer comments. All of these events will pay fitting homage to those whose were lost.

But the most important tribute will be your attendance.

The decision by USU’s leadership to not only hold the memorial service, but to place high enough priority on it to cancel class, is one that should be commended. Not all students attending USU knew the eight students and one teacher killed personally, but all were affected by the tragedy.

While the candlelight vigil offered students an immediate outlet for their grief, the memorial will allow students the opportunity to understand who these men really were. This is the university’s chance to find closure.

We invite all students to participate in today’s memorial in the Spectrum. The service begins at 1:30 p.m., but students have been asked to find a seat by 1 p.m.

There is really no excuse not to. And there is no more fitting offering for students to extend to the families and friends (many fellow peers) of the victims than attendance in the Spectrum today.