What to do when nobody loves you

Tavin Stucki

If you’re like many students in Logan, you’ve probably already taken a look around and realized a terrible truth; you’re single.

And if you believe all the cliche mumbo-jumbo, you’re probably just brushing all the pressure off as not having found that special someone yet. Or maybe it’s because you’re actually not all that desirable.

Either way, there’s no sense wallowing in your own self-pity. You’ve got an opportunity here: You can either do something about it, or not.

Maybe you can’t change the fact that other people have the ability to choose whether or not they like you, but you can change yourself to be more appealing to those shallow jerks.

For those who choose to be the change they’d like to see in the dating world, I’ve experimented the past two-and-a-half years with what the opposite sex finds attractive.

1. Despite what your grandmother says, looks matter. The first thing you see when you look at someone you are potentially interested in dating is, well, their looks.

If you don’t like the way you look, try a new style. Hit the barbershop to change your hair, swing by the mall to pick up a new look and pound the gym to get that fitness-magazine physique.

2. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my life, it is that men and women are attracted to confidence. I have an abundance of this and it is the only real reason I’ve found that women like me.

So how do you get confidence? I have no idea. I’ve never had a real problem with that, so try asking someone a little less awesome.

3. Money is the root of all evil. Fortunately, money helps people get nice apartments and reliable vehicles. It also helps you become more attractive.

Get out of your parents basement and get a job, you dirty hippie.

Tavin offers dating advice via Twitter using #DateTavin and regularly enjoys multiple dates each weekend. He enjoys more good luck than the average American and has an abundance of confidence. Since his first kiss in 2010, he has locked lips with 24 young ladies who all rated 2’s on the 1-2 scale.