
Caught on Campus: Student loves ‘Killer Bunnies’

Caught: elevator at Merrill-Cazier LibraryHometown: Evanston, Wyo.Age: 29Favorite Color: redFavorite Band: The DecemberistsAstronomical Sign: Pisces

Utah Statesman: Why did you choose to come to Utah State University?

Megan Inclan: They offered me a job as a grad instructor so I could teach while I finished school. Also, the teachers are willing to work with you one on one. I like the teacher-student relationship here.

US: Why American studies?

Inclan: I like the English and literature side, but American studies let’s me apply those ideas to the real world.

US: What did you get your bachelor’s degree in and where?

Inclan: English, at UVSC.

US: What are your plans after you graduate?

Inclan: Go on to get my Ph.D. I want to be a professor.

US: What is your favorite thing about Utah State University?

Inclan: The students I teach.

US: What do you teach?

Inclan: English 1010 and 2010.

US: What is your philosophy on life?

Inclan: Discover what you’re really passionate about and do everything it takes to better the world around you.

US: What five words best describe you?

Inclan: Opinionated, nerd, loyal, unorganized and rambunctious.

US: If you won an all-expense paid trip for two weeks, where would you go?

Inclan: New York, because I heard there was a hotel there that carries the same theme as the New York Public Library. All of the rooms are designed around a part of the library. That sounds really interesting.

US: If you could say one thing to the president of the United States right now, what would it be?

Inclan: I would ask him if he reads very much. I think he could use a little reading and some real interaction with the rest of us.

US: What is your favorite food?

Inclan: Sushi.

US: What kind is your favorite?

Inclan: I have a reverse fish allergy, so it has to be shellfish.

US: Have you ever been to a sushi bar?

Inclan: Yes. The one here in Logan is pretty good. I think it’s called Tanpopo.

US: Who is your hero?

Inclan: A writer, Flannery O’Connor.

US: What do you like that she’s written?

Inclan: “Everything That Rises Must Converge”

US: What do you like to do on the weekends?

Inclan: Lately, I’ve been hanging out with friends and playing “Killer Bunnies.” You can buy it at Magical Moon Toys. You have bunnies and you try to keep them alive. It plays around with pop culture.

US: Where is your favorite place in the entire world?

Inclan: Probably some places up Logan Canyon. Just going up some trail and hiking somewhere.

US: What’s your favorite trail?

Inclan: Crimson Trail. I like that one a lot.

US: What is your pet peeve?

Inclan: I don’t like it when people brush their teeth outside of the bathroom.

US: What is your favorite hobby?

Inclan: I read a lot.

US: What’s your favorite book?

Inclan: “The Brothers Karamazov”

US: What is it about?

Inclan: Three brothers who are all different. Their father ends up dead – it’s all about who killed the father. I really identified with one of the characters.

US: If money were no object, what would you do for a living?

Inclan: I would still want to teach.

US: What is the strangest thing you’ve seen on campus?

Inclan: I’ve never seen it, but the tradition of kissing on the A. I’ve heard it’s surreal, like you’re in some Disney dream.

US: So I guess that means you aren’t a True Aggie?

Inclan: No, I’m not.

US: Do you have any plans to become one?

Inclan: No.

US: What is the biggest risk you’ve ever taken?

Inclan: Probably not taking enough risks.

US: Describe the best day of your life.

Inclan: Any day where I can be reading and in the mountains with some really good Dutch-oven food.

US: If you had an endless supply of monkeys, what would you do with them?

Inclan: Train them to use typewriters just for the sound of it. I’ll bet one of them would come up with something smart. Then I’d go to bed depressed because I hadn’t come up with something like that.

US: If you could go on tour with any band, who would it be and why?

Inclan: Probably the Rolling Stones. I like their music. Plus, they would go to cool places and the culture that would follow them would be interesting and fun to be with.
