LETTER:Stem cell research should not come from taxpayers

Dear Editor,

Stem-cell funding does not, in fact, please both sides, but it does do a good job of stealing from us all. While both sides are still fighting about who should and should not get our money, the real issue is overlooked. It’s OUR money.

You may think stem-cell research is the miracle science of the future, or you may think it is murder, but the reality is that your government doesn’t care. Look at the big picture. It doesn’t matter if we like it or hate it, the federal government is taking money from each and every one of us to fund this multi-billion dollar research. This was, by the way, successfully funded by the billionaires who stand to profit from the research.

You may think taking the stem cell from a fetus is the most vile sin before God, but guess what, now you get to pay for it. You may not even care about this research or its benefits, but guess what, you too get to contribute instead of using your money for what benefits you.

You know what the greatest part of this is? It’s just research. They may never find anything useful and guess what? That’s right, you paid for the destruction of those fetuses for no reason. Great idea. Do you know what is even better? If this does turn up to be beneficial, those billionaires, who would have found this out without your help, will have you to thank when they become trillionaires. Hopefully, they will remember to thank us when we have to pay the $1,000 hospital bills that will likely come with this “benefit”.

For those who can justify their way out of “Thou shalt not kill”, it is no problem to overlook “Thou shalt not steal”.

Sam Jacobs
