For three weeks this summer Utah State University will host 40 Korean middle school students as part of the International Summer Youth Program. To enhance their experience, the students need to immerse themselves in American life, with American families. Between July 29 and August 18, Cache Valley families can share their culture and their homes with one or two of these young people. All that’s needed is an extra bed (or two) and a friendly environment for the hours students are not involved in scheduled activities. Students need a ride to the Utah State University campus by 8:45 a.m. and to be picked up at 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Weekends and evenings afford families a chance to share American summer vacation pleasures. That might be a trip to Bear Lake or skipping rocks across the creek closer to home. It might mean barbequing burgers at a canyon campsite or playing games with neighborhood kids. It’s a chance to share American breakfast cuisine and introduce these curious youngsters to your family’s favorite dinner foods. “The purpose of the home stay is mutual cross-cultural experiences between the students and host families,” said Andrew Hong, coordinator of the program through Utah State’s Office of International Students and Scholars. “Financial compensation will be made to the host family to cover basic expenses.” For more details, contact Hong at 797-0106 during the day or 753-2123 in the evening. He can also be reached via email at