Police Blotter

August 19, 2001

Police responded to the loading dock on the north side of the Taggart Student Center to remove a bicycle that had been abandoned.

The bike was impounded and will be stored in the bicycle impound area.

Four men were found doing tricks on free-style bikes on the east side of the Science and Technology Library.

They had not been warned before on the University’s policy, so were released with a warning.

August 20, 2001

Police received information regarding a student who made a strange telephone call to a previous instructor.

August 21, 2001

An individual called to report the theft of a hammer.

August 22, 2001

Police assisted Parking personnel in the Radio and TV lot. Parking is in the process of sealing the lot and asked for assistance in getting the marching band to vacate the lot.

The marching band had been asked to leave and would not do so until police arrived.

A USU bus driver turned a lost wallet into Police.

The wallet contained a large amount of cash and credit cards.

Using the information inside the wallet, police were able to return the wallet to the owner.

August 23, 2001

Police responded to a fire at Snow Hall.

An individual had a toaster oven catch fire in the kitchen.

The resident assistant used a fire extinguisher to extinguish the flames.

The building was evacuated. Damage to the kitchen was minor and no injuries were reported.

Police assisted Logan City Police with a traffic accident involving a university vehicle.

There were no injuries and damage to both vehicles was minor.

The accident is being investigated by Logan City Police.

A small anti-freeze spill was reported in the parking lot on the southeast side of Old Main. The Environmental Health and Safety Department was called to clean up the spill.

Police received a report of someone breaking the back window of their vehicle while it was parked at the University Foundation.

The investigation is ongoing.