LETTER: And the award goes to …

Dear Editor,

Remember when you couldn’t graduate from high school until the yearbook staff slapped some silly line under your picture? I think mine said, “Most likely to graduate from Utah State University.” Well, I will be graduating next week, and I would like to hand out a few “yearbook labels” to six of the best professors at this university.

William Pritchard has earned the title “Most likely to go out of his way for you.” Pritchard also has the unique ability to make you dizzy with his enthusiastic lecture style.

Michael Sweeney, an expert writer who is “Most likely to teach future Pulitzer Prize Winners.”

Maribeth Evensen – Hengge, the instructor “Most likely to inspire,” renewed my love of singing when I thought it was lost.

Jan Bakker is the professor “Most likely to be featured as a GQ model for an issue on Classic English Teacher Ensembles.” His ability to get a good one-line thesis out of his students is just as good as his fashion sense.

James Harrigan, Nietsche is my role model,” is the only teacher I know who can make a three-hour class on ancient political literature interesting.

Jeanette J. Arbuthnot, the professor “Most likely to make it through a sandstorm without messing up her hair or makeup,” is also a delightful person and a skilled instructor.

To each of these professors, I would like to say thank you for making my years at Utah State University worthwhile.

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