LETTER: Don’t let kids ruin future


As a person concerned for the general well-being of humankind and our future generations, I am offended and discouraged by a recent letter dated Jan. 30. In it, the author unintentionally, and yet so clearly and succinctly states what is wrong with our society. Presently, our society is incredibly selfish, short-sighted, as well as bordering on ignorant. Such is the case for a member of our society to have as many children as possible and then select to transport them by one of the most unsustainable and irresponsible means (i.e. sport utility vehicle). Does someone making such choices in life consider the social implications? I believe not. If they had, I am certain that a different alternative would have been selected.

Regardless of our religious beliefs, or however you select our life edicts, we should try to think more independently about our future and our children’s future. Be conscious of your individual actions and how they play a role in society’s future. If we continue to ignore this vital train of thought, it will eventually lead to our demise.

Jay P. Zarnetske