What’s new at ASUSU

Steve Palmer

Welcome back. Along with the physical changes to campus – notice the trench warfare look – you will also notice a change in your student government. The primary objective of the 2001-02 Associated Students of Utah State University Executive Council is to bring student government, including activities, lectures, events and services, to the students.

In order to accomplish this goal, the ASUSU Executive Council must first have a better understanding of the needs and desires of students. To better this understanding, the ASUSU Executive Council is establishing the ASUSU Advisory Council. This Council, comprised of 20 students from different organizations and clubs around campus, will provide the ASUSU Executive Council with more insight on needs and desires of students. Along with these additional voices, the ASUSU Advisory Council will serve as a forum to discuss bills and resolutions the ASUSU Executive Council is considering.

Some of the major bills and resolutions ASUSU will be considering for the upcoming year are the implementation of the Tuition Payment Plan, the finalizing of the Student Recreation Center plans and the creation of an Honor Code that emphasizes academic integrity and civility. This code will make no reference to the length of a student’s shorts or beard cards like an institution of higher learning to our south. You will be hearing more about these issues throughout the year.

If you haven’t fallen into a trench and become a permanent fixture of the new campus heating system while trying to read this article and walk to class, you will be pleased to know that many fantastic activities, starting with the Week of Welcome, have been planned for your enjoyment. The ever-popular “Let’s make a deal,” Poetry and a Beverage, a showing of “The Mexican” on the HPER field and a Day on the HPER will kick off the school year in grand fashion. To find out about all of the Week of Welcome activities, pick up a brochure in the Taggart Student Center.

For students who have social inclinations, it would be wise to update telephone numbers and addresses on the university QUAD system as soon as possible. The new student directory will be coming out in October. There is little question that this directory can do wonders for one’s dating life.

The ASUSU Web site has been revamped and reconstructed for the new year. This critical hub for students in cyberspace provides a link to ASUSU officers, news, legislation, campus activities, clubs and organizations and the all-important Book Exchange, for those who are pinching their pennies. Frequently visit the site for surveys, promotional giveaways, an online classified board and more. The ASUSU Web site is also one of the best places to contact the student government representatives and voice any complaints or concerns to the online ombudsman.

Along with the ASUSU Web site, other mediums of communication have been established to inform students of upcoming events, activities and legislation. For those living on campus, the new ASUSU bulletin boards can be found in all of the residence halls. These will be updated weekly.

This is an exciting time for the University. With President Kermit Hall commencing his first complete year as president and the upcoming announcement of three new college deans, we can all expect the university to head in a new and dynamic direction. As the second tier tuition dollars begin to be spent, students can expect significant improvements in advising and libraries. An education from Utah State University will continue to grow in quality and value.

Once again, as the President of ASUSU, I would like to warmly welcome all the students to the 2001-02 school year. If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, my door is always open. My office in the TSC can be found on the third floor, Room 326B. My phone number is 797-1723, and I can be reached on e-mail at palmer@cc.usu.edu This is going to be another great year for ASUSU. Go Aggies.