COLUMN: Satisfying the French fry craving

Dustin Willmore

Do any of you ever get that craving for you know, fries? Well I’ve had it for quite some time now and finally was given permission to indulge myself in a sea of fries.

There was one condition however, I would have to share with all you fine people what I personally thought the best fries were, their prices and pros and cons.

Given the vast plethora of choices for one to consume fries in Cache Valley, I selected five places I thought would be serious contenders for fries.

Here they are in no particular order with their addresses for any of you who are new to Cache Valley: Arby’s, 1230 N. Main St., A&W, 701 N. Main St., Central Park, 870 N. Main St., Juniper Take Out, 35 E. 400 North, and La Beau’s, 165 E. 1400 North.

The prices varied somewhat at all locations. Arby’s offers Homestyle and Curly fries. Small – $1.19, medium – $1.39, large – $1.69 for both types. They also offer a potato cake and you can get cheddar cheese added to that for an additional 40 cents.

A&W only offers medium and large fries for 99 cents and $1.29 as does Central Park with their “Bucket O’ Fries.” A&W also offers chili or cheese fries for $1.39 or chili and cheese fry combo for $1.69 for the brave soul who hopefully doesn’t have a date and has lost his or her own inhibition.

La Beau’s small fries are $1.50, large – $1.70, and jumbo fries for $2.50.

Juniper Take Out only offers one size which I’m guessing is a large which will run you $1.49 with tax if that is all you are getting.

So, here it is, my personal preference for the best fries in Logan. Out of the five previously mentioned locations I liked La Beau’s the best. They were cooked well and not too limp. Their fry sauce was very smooth and creamy.

Arby’s came in next with their curly fries, who doesn’t love curly fries? They were very crisp with a touch of spice I thought gave them character.

Central Park’s “Bucket O’ Fries” came in third. You get a great deal of fries for a decent price. And they too had a bit of character as well.

Coming in fourth was Arby’s Homestyle fries, with their unique taste, you really get the feeling they were made at home.

A&W fries must be dipped or not, but needless to say they were fifth; good, but still fifth.

Last but certainly not least was Juiper Take Out’s Steak-cut fries. Although monstrous in size, they had that weird taste, not that it was bad, I liked them.

I must say all were good, and to tell you the truth, only you know where to fulfill that fanciful fry frenzy. Maybe this information will come in handy on a rainy day when all else seems boring and your appetite says it’s time for a fry run.