Sprinklers on Campus


Mark Hullinger529-63-8736435-752-3780SLGL2@cc.usu.edu

Dear Editor, Amiss the tragedy that has besmirched our nation the past week or so, I was trying to walk to my early class when I got tagged by a sprinkler that decided to go opposite its intended course and water the sidewalk. I haven’t noticed the sidewalk growing much the past couple weeks but I still witness most major walkways flooded by an army of stray sprinklers in the morning hours. No problem, I’ve managed to traverse my way across campus on several dirt paths I found in the middle of some golden brown grass patches completely missed by the sprinklers. I discovered these paths by following the herd of students trying to maintain their early morning image nearly destroyed by the onslaught of rain from the ground. I even witnessed a girl huddled up against a building pulling out an umbrella to keep her expensive hair weave from getting drenched. This really poses no worries compared to the everyday rigors of the college lifestyle in my case. But, despite having one of the country’s best engineering programs right at our hands and having more experiments on the space shuttle than any other university in the nation, our sprinklers still don’t hit the grass. Sure we’re a Carnegie I research university, but we can’t prove that water makes concrete grow, can we? As probably nothing will be done about this, that’s no problem because I will still continue to pay tuition, dodge parking cops, and rip on BYU just like a normal USU student and continue on living knowing that the sprinklers will shut off at midday. So there’s my two cents and thanks to all who really don’t care but trudge with me through the swampy marshes intended for pedestrian use.

Mark Hullinger Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Senior