OUR VIEW: LTD is a great way to go

Students and community members in Cache Valley will have to walk a lot less now thanks to a wise decision made by the Logan Transit District.

On Aug. 24 the LTD implemented the Cache Valley Transit District (CVTD) which includes 150 new stops on two new lines that will carry passengers as far south as Hyrum and as far north as Richmond, Todd Beutler, operations manager for LTD said.

An extra route in North Logan was added to service businesses on Main Street from 500 North to 2600 North, and an on-demand stop was added at Pepperidge Farm.

LTD is also adding four buses to their service, which are currently on loan from the Utah Transit Authority, UTA, until the new buses come in December.

The new transit station for LTD, located at 500 N. 150 East opened today. The building includes rest room facilities, protection from the cold, an information desk and a police station.

LTD is funded completely by a sales tax in the area, and is free to all passengers. The CVTD project produced additional cost for the city, but approximately 300 additional passengers per day are assisted in their travel needs because of these innovations, Beutler said.

The additions are a valuable asset to the community and if used properly, could alleviate some of the parking issues at Utah State University.