LETTER: Students offer sympathy

Dear Editor,

In this time of mourning and tragedy, the students of the Dominican Republic at Utah State University would like to express our condolences to the American people. Our hearts go out to all those innocent victims who lost their lives; to all people who are now suffering from the scars and the pain; to all the children who lost their parents; to all the unknown heroes who work and risk their lives night and day to save others; to all those families who lost a son or a daughter, a mother or a father, a brother or a sister, a relative or a friend; to all those families who are still praying for their loved ones to be alive; to all the leaders of this country who have in hand one of the most important decisions of their lives to make; to all those people who now, like us, feel that here is home even though they weren’t born in the United States; to all Americans whose lives were changed forever.

The events on Tuesday, Sept. 11 in New York City and in Washington, D.C. are events that affect not only Americans, but the whole world. The world will never be the same. We are going through a crucial time, and it is especially important in this moment that we stay together and remember that each day we should fight to stop terror and intolerance.

Let’s avoid violence and resentment and not permit this terrible act of cowardice and hate to make us separate and react with even more violence. Let us stand together against these senseless acts and united, as one, heal the pain and become stronger in a more civilized world.

Yarima Sosa

Dominican Republic students