Campus briefs

Aggie Fest to be held at games Utah State University will be offering numerous activities for family members of all ages at Aggie Fest which is scheduled to begin three hours before kickoff at each home football game. The activities for youth will include an obstacle course, trampoline, fun house, climbing wall, bungee run, fast pitch radar gun, jousting, face/hair painting, poster making and a football toss sponsored by Macey’s. There will be concession booths from Academy Fitness/Massage Therapists, USU Bookstore, Organ Donor Awareness, the Big Blue Club, and two tents for tailgating. For further information, please contact the USU Athletics department at (435) 797-1360.

Panel to be held on terrorism and war A free panel discussion sponsored by Pi Sigma Alpha will be held Monday, Sept. 24 at 12:30 p.m. in the Evan Stephenson’s Ballroom located in the Taggart Student Center. The topic of discussion will be Tuesday’s terrorism attacks and the possibility of war. President Kermit Hall and political science faculty Jeannie Johnson, Robert Wendzel, and Larry Boothe will be involved with the discussion panel. The forum is open to the general public and everyone is encouraged to attend.

Ice arena site tour held today An ice arena site tour will be held today at 10 a.m. at the Bridgerland Community Ice Arena construction site. This week features the installation of the refrigeration system “cold floor”, which will keep the ice frozen all year round. Construction site entrance is on 400 East and 2800 North in North Logan. When entering the construction site, follow the penguin road signs on where to park. Everyone is welcome to see the progress and status of the ice rink. Construction is due to be completed December 31. Grand opening festivities will be in January 2002.

Grant Application online Undergraduate Research and Creative Opportunities Grant Applications are available on-line at or in hard copy from the Provost’s Office (Old Main 142) or the Vice president for Research Office Old Main 159). Orientation sessions for interested applicants will be held October 1 and 2 at 3:30 p.m. in the Library, Room 374 (Honors Lounge). Deadline for submission to the Provost’s Office is Friday, October 12.

Late add policy to be changed Beginning this semester, students who traditionally added or dropped courses late will find it much more difficult. September 17 was the last day to add classes and October 8 is the last day to drop classes. After those dates, students must show extenuating circumstances in order to add or drop. Documentation of circumstances will be required. Appeals must be directed to the student’s college dean. Late adds will also be forwarded to the Provost’s Office for review and final approval. The stricter enforcement of the current USU policy is a result of a review conducted by the offices of the Registrar and provost. This study found that late adds and drops had become excessive and there was not a standard application of the policy across campus. Late adds are particularly problematic because they affect the funding USU receives from state legislatures. USU’s funding is determined largely on the number of students enrolled by day 15, called the census day. Students should make sure all adding and dropping is completed by the published dates to avoid the frustrations of attending a class but not being eligible for a grade. Instructors are reminded to only allow registered and paid students in their class.