COLUMN: One nation united – not under God

Rich Timothy

I’ve been thinking about this whole “War on America” situation, and naturally I’ve found something I do have a problem with. Could we please knock off all this governmentally suggested public day devoted to prayer, one nation under God and God Bless America overkill I find myself being forced to trudge through everyday?

I am proud of the way this country is uniting together to help those in need, but this whole movement to involve God has really got to stop, especially in our government. If you think about it, this whole God thing is what got us in this mess in the first place. We are dealing with a jihad, or holy war. That means followers of one god are attacking followers of another god. Get rid of the whole God element and we’d still have our renowned New York skyline.

I understand there are many people who believe faith and a belief in the supernatural is important, but please try to understand that for those of us who either do not think it matters enough to even try to believe, or simply do not believe at all, all this God talk being pushed in our faces at every angle is a little tedious.

Please understand that just like religious people disagree and do not appreciate people telling them there is no God, people who do not believe feel the exact same way about people telling them there is a God.

Right now, we are not one nation under God, but on nation united by humanity. We are acting together and helping those in need. We are doing this because of our internal decision to help our own kind and not because of some higher power. We have Atheists, Agnostics, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, etc. all uniting in this country to help those in need. Even all the gods are getting along in our country while humanity takes over to do a good thing.

The key thing to remember right now is we are united as a country for humanity, and this needs to be carried over to our Muslim-American friends and neighbors in this country. The terrorists we are dealing with are religious fanatics, just like the Christians during the Crusades or Inquisition. We need to remember not all Christians were of this evil fanaticism during that time, and not all Muslims at this time are of the “kill all non-believers in the name of Allah” fanaticism.

We also need to remember to direct this act of humanity toward all our international students and guests. They’ve felt the animosity America has been breathing towards foreigners and it’s a rather unpleasant vibe. If you take pride in your country, share that pride with others by including them instead of ostracizing them because of their nationality.

All things pass, as will this, and while we are experiencing this movement of humanity let’s try to share this with as many individuals as we possibly can before we fall back into our old ways and become selfish, pompous Americans again.