COLUMN: The facts of life

Kristen Stokes

Hello College of Family Life students. It is my belief we are quite possibly and even more probably the greatest students on this campus. In addition, we are extremely fortunate to have a dean at the head of our college who has for the past 17 years demonstrated superb leadership and development. This year as a college we will face challenges and experience great accomplishments.

One challenge our college is currently facing is the recent announcement of Dean Wyse’s retirement. It has been a privilege and a cherished opportunity to associate with Dean Wyse over the past few years of my college experience. My mother always said, “The only thing in life that doesn’t change is the fact that things change.” While Dean Wyse will be missed and will leave behind big shoes to fill, I know she will always be happy in life no matter what she does.

As this year’s College of Family Life senator I would like to issue a personal invitation of involvement to all. The College of Family Life Executive Council (Team Family Life) has several fun and productive activities planned for the year. Here are just a couple.

Saturday, as an Executive Council, we will be cleaning The Child and Family Support Center of Cache Valley. This center provides many worthwhile services such as the crisis nursery, parenting classes and social skills classes for children. Outreach workers who go into homes to help parents develop healthy discipline methods also work at the center.

We are also having a College of Family Life faculty-to-student social. This will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 30 in the Family Life Dining Room from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. I would like to encourage all students and faculty to take advantage of this great opportunity. It will provide an informal setting for students and faculty to associate with one another.

As your direct representative, I invite you to come and discuss any concerns or issues you have with me. My office is located in the Taggart Student Center, Room 327. My phone number is 797-7441 and my e-mail is In closing, I would like to say thank you to each and every one of you for your support.