OUR VIEW: Women’s team deserves support

For over a year, the Utah State women’s basketball players have had Nov. 21 circled on their calendars. It’s about time students, faculty and the community get excited as well.

It is a well-known fact that the women’s game is slower-paced than the men’s. But that doesn’t mean they don’t deserve support and admiration.

What these women are doing is amazing. They are taking a chance not only on themselves playing at a Division I level, but on the university as a whole in being part of a program that will take the court for the first time in 17 years.

The support for women’s basketball has been minimal so far.

During the annual Hoops Fest in October, many people left the Spectrum early and failed to see Terrin Johnston go 8-for-11 from behind the arc to win the three-point shooting contest.

And although few people have seen the women play, they are plenty visible on campus supporting various activities.

The group can often be seen at volleyball matches and men’s basketball games, as well as participating in the Challenge the Athlete event last week.

The women also played against the USU Special Olympics team at the start of the semester.

It is clear that these women are not only great athletes who have the desire to make something happen at Utah State on the court, but they want to do so off of it also.

Now is the time to show the Aggie women’s basketball team how much we support them.