OUR VIEW: Give thanks for the little things

It’s that time of year again when we all pause to be grateful. It really is a shame we have to set a day aside for such a simple task, but one day is better than none. The following is a list of things we think are worth being thankful for. The list could probably fill the whole newspaper, but hopefully, it will help everyone else jump start a list of their own.

Here they are, in no particular order …

Lights on campus, the LTD, canceled classes, Thanksgiving Break, tuition waivers, a Zions Bank right in the TSC, used textbooks, coupons, mountains, free food, being in love, food, air, carpet, dogs, graduation, cats, family, warm winter jackets, The Statesman, USU women’s basketball, men’s basketball, football season is finally over, cell phones, the Internet, engagements, soldiers serving in Iraq, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, birthdays, most roommates, cars, snow, snow plows, fall leaves, four seasons, some university professors, “The Simpsons,” good grades, reality TV shows, the “Aggie Fight Song,” the Thursday night line-up on NBC, Jaxon Davis, clothes, furnaces, ice cream, chocolate, indoor plumbing, computers, airplanes, electricity, going to college, Pac the Man, Donkey Kong, movie theaters, Disneyland, grandparents, diversity, digital cameras, Homestar Runner, time, finals will soon be over, teachers who care, steak, pizza, holidays, low interest rates, oceans, grass, Volkswagen, BYU (just kidding), books, knowledge, the Constitution, beds, afternoon naps, chicken Caesar wraps from the Carousel, new businesses coming to Logan and last, but not least, Jay Wamsley.