LETTER: Would minority life be harder?


Opponents of affirmative action often argue that we need to stop the “preferential treatment” of minorities, and I agree with them. I mean, the preferential treatment that African-Americans receive in the criminal justice system alone is astounding. For instance, police officers care much more about the personal safety of African-American drivers and their passengers because they routinely pull them over for seatbelt checks. I, as a white driver, have never been pulled over for a seatbelt check and only know of their existence because black friends have explained how grateful they were to receive such special attention from the police.

African-Americans also receive preferential treatment in prison where they are much more likely to make it into the most exclusive and glamorous part, death row. This accomplishment truly is amazing because African-Americans have the huge disadvantage of making up only about 14 percent of the population at large. They have managed to overcome this huge obstacle however, and now represent 49 percent of the prisoners on death row – a triumph of the human spirit if ever there was one.

I am being more than a bit sarcastic here, but I am trying to prove a point. This is the kind of “preferential treatment” that needs to be stopped, not affirmative action. As long as racial disparities such as these exist in our society then affirmative action is necessary and should be supported, not attacked.

I can understand why some white males think affirmative action discriminates against them, but I challenge them to ask themselves a question: Do you think your life would be easier or harder if you were a minority? Now, I can’t really understand what it is like to grow up African-American, Hispanic-American, American Indian or as a woman because I haven’t experienced it. However, I can recognize the privilege and special opportunities I have enjoyed by living my whole life as a white male, and I can imagine how different my life would be if all that was taken away. I urge all white male opponents of affirmative action to do the same.

Steve Stoddard