LETTER: Faith can heal during a crisis

Dear Editor,

There are reasons why certain situations occur. America has suffered a great crisis and needs time to heal. Individuals seek for healing in different ways. This is part of our human nature. Faith and hope are also needed. Faith, not fear. America was formed by people whose faith, hope and free agency were being crushed. To escape that despair, they came here. We as U.S. citizens need to follow our laws. One of our laws is to allow us to worship how, where or what we may.

During a crisis, faith and hope become healing agents. It could be in anything, God or Santa Claus, as long as it’s there. Is there evil in believing in Santa Claus?

People do not have faith for the mere satisfaction of disillusioning themselves. That’s what drugs and alcohol are used for. Our free agency makes us want to have hope to improve in something. Without hope for something, we can’t have faith in it. Those without faith and hope, despair and often become bitter.

I’ve grown up with many Atheist friends. They respect me and how I exercise my faith. They understand faith is something good. Atheist religion is to believe not to believe in God. However, they still exercise faith in many other things.

If believing in God helps some people have faith in our country, is this a bad thing? Faith is helping our country unite. Many people believe in humanity and God. We’re still human, no matter what our beliefs are.

The key to destruction is bitterness and angry pride. We see what people hit, but we don’t see what they’re aiming for. We can’t afford to harbor such negativism if we are to survive as a country. Before we can ever attempt to eliminate terrorism, we need to first harbor faith in ourselves, each other and our country, in whatever form we choose. This is basic respect we can’t afford to eliminate, especially right now.

Rebecca Limbay