LETTER: Petitions, rallies are totally appropriate

To the editor:
    I disagree with the arguments in the article “Well-being of others must be considered” (Feb. 11). Though the article claims to promote such high-minded ideals as “enlightened self-interest” and “community,” it actually ends up encouraging a different standard: apathy. The efforts of ASUSU and other hard-working students have given all students opportunities to participate in the democratic process and, in a responsible manner, fight for something that is important to them. The article, however, would seem to encourage students to idly sit by and then deal with whatever budget cuts are allotted them. This argument seems to imply that if USU petitions for a smaller budget cut, other areas in the state will suffer. However, this is ignoring one very important point: every other group in the state can do exactly what USU is doing and sign petitions, hold rallies, etc. (And many currently are.) None of these actions are giving higher education an unfair or cruel advantage over any other group; it is only making the will of the people known to those that they elected to represent them.
    I’m grateful that there are forward-thinking, hard-working students who are striving to strengthen USU and the future of higher education. Perhaps some don’t care about drastic budget cuts for higher education because they realize that they’ll soon graduate and won’t have to deal with the full consequences. Such apathy and disregard for the education and well-being of future students is truly the “epitome of selfishness.”

Carlie Stevens