LETTER: Work on Kiosks a group effort

Dear Editor,

In the Sept. 14 Statesman, an article appeared regarding the new electronic kiosks being placed throughout various buildings on campus. This is an exciting concept which will benefit many students in numerous ways.

It is gratifying to see student, staff and faculty ideas come together for the common good. Student government worked diligently for three years to foster this concept. And then, with the vision of the Information and Learning Resources Division, this concept became reality.

I would like to personally thank several individuals for their support and dedication to this project which will continue to provide expanded service to our students. Special thanks go to Barbara White, dean of Information and Learning Services; Kim Marshall, associate director of Computer Services; Gary Egbert, supervisor Computer Services and staff members Kevin Grover, Rick Majors, Morlyn Seamons, Brent Davis, John Hanks and the staffs of Information Technology Operations and Help Desk.

There are always many behind the scenes who give much to support the quality of life for all the students who attend our great university. Thank you.

Gary Chambers

Assistant Vice President for Student Life