Registration after the ‘purge’ made easier

Jackee Sharayko

Another semester will soon arrive at Utah State University, and with it, new priority registration. USU staff has come up with a new registration which will help alleviate the stress on the USU computer system after the “purge.”

The “purge” is a systematic action which occurs after registration. People who have not paid their fees and tuition are dropped from their classes. After this occurs, those who are willing and ready to pay, are allowed to fill up those now empty spots in classes said Heidi Jo Beck, Interim Registrar for Enrollment Services.

This new system allows upperclassmen to receive priority registration the day after the “purge.” Many underclassmen have to wait two days after the “purge” to register for classes.

“Then you have everybody that was purged waiting to get back into their classes and they are all waiting to register,” Beck said.

This sudden surge into the system causes it to be sluggish and sometimes even crash, Beck said. Breaking up the registration after the “purge” into two separate groups could help alleviate this problem, she said.

This change in the system is something the university has been talking about for a couple of years now, Beck said. It was presented to the provost’s office and the Associated Students of USU who supported the change, she said.

“We wanted to make sure it was a positive influence on students and not a negative one,” Beck said.