Free Speech Endangered

Dear Editor: Professors and employees at Universities in Florida, California, and New Mexico have been sanctioned for making unpatriotic remarks to students or posting such comments on university opinion boards. Last week a letter to the Statesman criticized one professor’s insensitive comments about the anthrax scare. Free speech is a long-standing tradition at American universities, but times like these seem to threaten such traditions. A certain measure of sensitivity is required on all sides. Professors need to be aware that frivolous comments about anthrax may be disturbing to students. At the same time, however, all of us at Utah State have the right to our opinions, and even the right to be completely offensive. If anyone, teachers or students, at USU feels compelled to express pacifist views, unpatriotic sentiments, or criticizms of the way our government is handling the situation, I hope that we can all realize that those people are entitled to their opinions. After all, that is one of the biggest differences between the free nation we live in and the opressive regime we are are war with.