LETTER: Columnist worse than wife

Dear Editor,

I normally don’t write letters to the editor. I’ve never written one regarding one of my husband’s articles before. I can no longer keep silent. He has crossed the line this time.

In his article Monday he stated “seven seconds” and “two or three strokes of [his] fingers” is all it takes to fix his hair. Nothing in his morning ritual takes seven seconds nor two or three strokes. For example, on Sunday morning we both get up at the same time. I get myself and my three-year-old daughter ready for church, pack snacks to eat in church (for my daughter and him), feed my daughter and myself breakfast, and still have to wait at least 15 to 20 minutes for Andy. Never in our six years of marriage has it taken him less than 45 minutes to get ready. It takes him on average one hour and 15 minutes to get from the bed to the car.

The rest of the article was pretty close to the truth. I am a woman and therefore moody. I could not overlook, however, the fact he insinuated that I spend more time in the bathroom than him; he who spends 20 minutes in the shower.

Sandy Morgan

Andy Morgan’s wife