
Humans of USU: David Clayton

The Utah Statesman interviewed David Clayton, an undeclared sophomore from Parker, Colo.


Utah Statesman: What are you studying?

David Clayton: I’m undeclared, but I think I’m going into graphic design and advertising.


US: What makes you want to go into that?

DC: I enjoy designing things on the computer and trying to make things stand out, and I think it would be cool to have a career where I make logos for companies or, like, it would be sweet to design clothes or shoes for Nike or other companies like that. Also, I feel that by doing advertising along with it, it would make my career more successful.


US: Are you into sports then?

DC: Yeah, I’m way into sports.


US: What sports do you play?

DC: I play baseball for the school, and in my free time I like playing basketball, football, golf and skateboarding.


US: What positions do you play in baseball?

DC: I play second base, shortstop and third base.


US: Is that why you came to USU? To play baseball?

DC: No, I was actually going to play at a different college, but then I decided to take my freshman year off from baseball and come here, then I decided to try out for the team this year.


US: Do you like it so far?

DC: Yeah, I’m definitely liking it. I like how it gets me away from actual life. When I’m playing baseball, it’s the only thing I focus on. It’s super fun and it takes a lot of skill and hard work, and I also like being part of a team.


US: Who do you look up to?

DC: I look up to God the most in my life.


US: What’s the best advice you’ve been given?

DC: Aim high. Have goals, dreams and never give up.


US: What’s the most embarrassing moment you can remember?

DC: When I was like10 I got locked in the KFC bathroom, and the fire department had to come to get me out.


US: How long were you in there, and how did they find out you were locked in there?

DC: I was trying to get out for like 15 minutes. I was just banging on the door with my first and someone heard, and apparently the manager tried to get me out with his key but it didn’t work, so he had to call the fire department.


US: Do you have a phobia of public restrooms now?

DC: Nah, I don’t. But I think I did for a little while, and it was pretty traumatic since I was so little. I was super scared that I wasn’t going to be able to get out.


US: Celebrity crush?

DC: I’d have to go with Jessica Alba.


US: Favorite animal and why?

DC: It’s a frog because my nickname in high school was “corn frog.” That’s when I started liking frogs.


US: Why did you get that nickname?

DC: That is a great question, I have no idea. My friend just started calling me it one day and it stuck.


US: What’s your favorite thing to do here in Logan?

DC: Just skateboarding around campus or making late-night McDonald runs.


US: What’s something unique about you?

DC: I wear a sleeve when I play baseball and if I have a bad game where I do bad, the next game I wear a different sleeve. I also keep fortunes in my hats for superstitious reasons.


US: What kind of fortunes?

DC: Just ones that mean something to me that are from fortune cookies. One says, “Investigate the new opportunity that will soon become an option.”


US: If there was one thing in your life you could go back and do over, what would it be?

DC: Just some of my dating relationships I’ve been in. I wouldn’t do the same ones again. I gave too much while the other person didn’t give much at all.