STEP to the rescue

Bethany Allen

Students Together Ending Poverty (STEP) works educating students and the community about poverty while helping to eliminate poverty in Cache Valley and around the world.

STEP recently gathered more than 15,000 pounds of canned food during their annual Trick-or-Treat for the Hungry. Headed by STEP director Heidi Broadwater, the project generated 8,000 cans of food for the Cache Community Food Pantry and represented 811 hours of total service by 357 volunteers.

“One of STEP’s biggest goals is education,” said Val R. Christensen Service Center director Jarrett Blonquist.

Traditionally, programs like the annual Hunger Banquet are set up to increase awareness among students about poverty. Many students don’t realize what a pervasive problem hunger is, even in Logan, he said.

“It helps students realize how much they really have,” Blonquist said. “Each year the director of STEP decides what the focus of the year will be.”

Broadwater said, STEP seeks to make students “enthusiastic about serving and helping others.” The goal is to bring aid locally and globally. Many of the donations gathered throughout the year aid local charities but also help to end third-world hunger.

STEP will take a large step towards education and enthusiasm during Hunger and Homelessness Week, Nov. 12 through 16. This annual awareness week seeks to educate the nation concerning poverty at home and abroad. USU will be participating this year, thanks to STEP she said.

Monday, Nov. 12, the week kicks off with Orange Ribbon Day. Orange symbolizes the harvest, and is a reminder of all those around the world who are hungry. There will be volunteers handing out orange ribbons at various locations throughout campus Broadwater said.

Tuesday, Nov. 13, Linda Hilton, director of the Crossroads Urban Center and Emergency Food Pantry in Salt Lake City, will speak in the Taggart Student Center, Room 336 at 2 p.m. Hilton will address issues of poverty in Utah and around the world. Audience members are asked to bring a pair of socks to donate.

The annual USU Hunger Banquet takes place on Wednesday, Nov. 14. Students give a $1 donation and receive an assignment placing them in a socio-economic class bracket. Class bracket determines what they eat for dinner and what their night’s activities are, mirroring lives of different socio-economic classes around the world. For information about participation in the banquet, visit the Service Center in the TSC room 322.

A food and clothing drive will take place Monday through Thursday. Boxes for donations will be in residence halls, the TSC, Old Main and the Eccles Business Building.

Keri Mecham, Service Center adviser, said, “[STEP] gives people an idea of what it’s really like to be homeless.”

Broadwater said, “We’re looking to do a lot of service this year and really help the community.”

STEP works year-round through the Service Center and is always looking for volunteers. To get involved with STEP, contact the Service Center on the third floor of the TSC, or call 797-7378.