LETTER: Divertsity and Aggie Ice Cream

Dear Editor,

I just received a pink flyer about Diversity Week. I think Diversity Week is a wonderful idea, however, I noticed there is no mention of Aggie Ice Cream during the week. What kind of week does not have Aggie Ice Cream?

We really need it, especially during Diversity Week as there really is no better example of diversity than ice cream. There are probably thousands of flavors of ice cream and it’s not judged on color. We like ice cream based upon our own personal experiences with it, unlike with people who are often judged by what group they happen to belong to.

Now, I admit there are some funky flavors out there, however ice cream, like people, deserves a chance. Obviously, not everyone will get along with everyone else, but whom we choose to “kick it,” hang out with or converse should be based upon our own personal experiences with them and not by what “group” they belong to.

We need to appreciate the differences there are in others instead of becoming “colorblind” to them. We appreciate the marshmallows in Rocky Road because of what they add to it and we certainly don’t wish it was a cucumber. We also need to appreciate all the people and not just a select few. For example, women, while making up more than half the population are still considered a special group with their own center and everything.

Other minority groups, however are not fairly represented. Left-handers make up 10 percent of the population have no center and are not mentioned during Diversity Week. I’m not saying that women or other groups shouldn’t be represented, I’m just saying that if they are deemed worthy of a center and other recognition, then certainly left-handers deserve the same type of recognition. Aggie Ice Cream and left-handers have “rights” too.

Paul M. Schmidt