Ping pong drops, keynote speaker add variety to business week

Tracey Tanner

The kick-off for Business Week begins Monday at 11:20 a.m. for the first (Eccles) Business Building Drop, sponsored by the Sports Academy Racquet Club.

“Thousands of Ping-Pong balls will be launched off the top of the Business Building,” said Andy Hyer, vice president of Business Week.

Hyer said each ball will have a number – which will correspond to a prize that can be redeemed at a table right after the drop. Hyer also said thousands of dollars in prizes will be given away by local businesses.

Keynote speaker Harry Simmons, president and CEO of Zions Bank will speak at 12:30 p.m. in Bus, Room 215 about the economy and succeeding in business.

On Tuesday, there will be an Internship Forum at 1:30 p.m. in Bus, Room 215, to learn about the internship experiences of Utah State University students, along with an interviewing workshop in the Eccles Conference Center at 10:30 a.m., led by Brik Eyre, who will discuss how students can set themselves apart from competition.

On Thursday at 12:30 p.m. in the Taggart Student Center Ballroom, keynote speaker Tom Dorsey will be speaking about the stock market. Dorsey owns an investment company in New York City and has an interesting way of analyzing Wall Street, Hyer said.

“He also holds the world record for the squats competition,” Hyer said.

The last day of Business Week includes a Graduate School Forum at 12:30 p.m. in Bus, Room 215 to learn about the value of an MBA and learn about preparing for the GMAT. There will also be a karaoke contest at Club Skyline at 9 p.m. Business students get in for $3 and there will be free pizza for everyone.