What Do You Think of King George?


Friday afternoon, I spent 20 or 30 minutes outside the Geology building listening to a man playing blues guitar and rapping about his opinions about our current president and the fiasco he’s got us involved in. Many of you may have heard him as you walked by. Obviously, this man, and myself, don’t represent the majority view. 90% of this country support GW and his policy of killing Afghanis. But I’m not writing in order to debate politics. I’m writing to say what respect I have for a man who is willing to publicly make his opinions known, especially when he is in the vast minority. At the risk of sounding unpatriotic, I would like to join this man. I am proud that I did not vote for President Bush. In 2004, I will not vote for him. I realize that, as things stand now, this will not make a difference. If 90% of the country continue to support King George, my single vote against him will not do much. Even if support declines for Bush, my vote will still not make a difference, if I am still living in Utah in 2004. I don’t support his policy of corporate welfare. I don’t support his idea of drilling for oil in Alaska. I don’t support his controversial claim to the presidency. I don’t support his continued bombing of Afghanistan. I know there are others out there who don’t support him. At least 10% of the country don’t support him. I’d like to call on this 10% to make their voices known, like the man I heard today. Peace.

~Kyle G Sessions797-5787