Activities and Events

November 7-Business week, Alumni career forum 9:00 – 1:00 p.m. Business building 9th floor-Business week, business attire workshop, 3:30 – 4:30 p.m. B319.-Caving at Zanavoo Cave with the Bear River Grotto, Nov. 7, 1:45 p.m., $5 ORC sponsored. Transportation provided.

November 8-ASUSU Convocations, Tom Dorsey co-founder of Dorsey, Wright & Associates, an investment advisory firm. Noon TSC Ballroom

November 9-Business week, Graduate school forum, 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. B215

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•Seminar “Polyatomic Anions and Networks among Alkali-Metal Salts of the Early p-Metals in Condensed Systems”, Prof. John Corbett, Nov. 7, 4 p.m. Widstoe 007 •Caving at Zanavoo Cave with the Bear River Grotto, Nov. 7, 1:45 p.m., $5. Bring a change of clothes and a flashlight. Transportation provided.•Family Finance Club, Jolene Weyburn, Financial Counselor for American First Credit Union, Nov. 7, 7:00 p.m. Family Life Building 318.•Cache Valley Soaring Association first formal meeting Nov. 8, 7 p.m. USU Technology Building 107. We will be discussing membership, flight training, and watching the video: “Soaring: your sport for the new millennium” shot in New Zealand. Info. Contact:•Russian Club movie, Nov. 7, 7 p.m. Geology 105. Come enjoy a movie in Russian with friends. Free, donations accepted.•Kusturica’s masterpiece Underground, A one-of-a kind epic portraying the downfall of Yugoslavia Nov. 7, 7:00 p.m. Widstoe 007 •Tri-Council for Gender Programs cordially invited all USU Women Graduate students to a networking social, Nov. 8, TSC Center Colony room, 4-5:30 p.m. Info. 797-1728 •”Skull Valley: Radioactive Waste and the American West” University of Utah film, Nov. 8, 7 p.m. Sci-Tech Library, Room 120.•AED Nov. 7 -Saskatchewan School of DentistryTarissa Warrington, 12:00-1:00 Presentation. 1:00-2:00 15 minute appointments. BNR 202A (only four spaces, seniors given top priority). Sign up in BNR 10•AED Nov. 8 12:30-1:30 BNR 315 -Volunteer panel of community speakers. If you are looking for a volunteer position here in the valley or need to know what’s out there, come listen to speakers from the Red Cross, Logan Regional Hospital, Hispanic Center and Smiths Food and Drug. •AED anyone interested in dental or medical professions come visit with the peer advisors, any day between 8:30 to 2:30 in BNR, Room 101.•Everyone invited to Providence canyon clean-up, Nov. 10, 8:30 a.m. Meet BNR, wear warm clothes and bring gloves. AED service committee •Dust off your instrument and come to the USU Symphonic Band meeting, Nov. 13, 3 to 4:30 p.m., Chase FAC, Room 104.•Fashion Association Fundraiser lunch, Nov. 14, 11:00 – 2:00 p.m. TSC patio $2. hamburger, chips, and pop. • Study Abroad Office sponsoring an International Photo Contest in Celebration of International Education Week. All students are encouraged to submit pictures on the theme “Bridging the Culture Gap.” The pictures will be displayed in the Sunburst Lounge Nov. 15 and 16. Prizes include Gift Certificates, Phone Cards, International Discount Cards and much more. We have two categories, “people,” and “places”! Please only one entry per category per person. Pictures must be taken by entrant in a location outside their native country. Prizes will be awarded based on votes placed by judges and the public. Bring your pictures to The Study Abroad Office by 5 p.m. Nov. 8, TSC 313, or call 797-0601 or •Free Writing Assistance for English 0010-2010 and other writing assignments. Tutor has been approved by English Writing Center and can sign off on class assignments. Valley View Towers 007. Monday through Thursday 6 to 8 p.m. •Pacific West Cancer Fund has established a scholarship to bring attention to the importance of early detection of cancer. For more information and an application, contact your financial aid office. •Paintball Tournament, Nov. 10 in Logan Canyon. Registration begins Oct. 24, Taggart Student Center and Spectrum ticket office. $20 person details will be sent via e-mail upon registering. Includes all necessary equipment and breakfast. Sponsored by Arnold Air Society •Wilderness First Aid, Jan. 12 and 13, 2002. Introduction to First Aid and patient care in remote settings. Earn certification from Wilderness Medicine Institute, and the institute of NOLS. This course also serves as re-certification for Wilderness First Responder. Contact Maggon Osmond 797-7553 or ECC, Room 103. •Briderland Audubon speaker Glen Gantz. “Solo in theArctic”. Highlights a two week solo trip Canadian Arctic. Nov. 8, 7:00 p.m. Logan City Meeting Room, 255 North Main.•Briderland Literacy and Stampin’ Up invite you to help ‘Stamp out Illiteracy’. Participants pay $20 to register for session and receive supplies for 12 scrapbook pages (6 2-page spreads). All fees go to Bridgerland Literacy. Nov. 17, Logan Rec. Center. Registration deadline Nov. 9. Contact 716-9141.