LETTER: Opposing views equal diversity

Dear Editor,

I am a freshman here. I am just coming to understand university life and politics. Already however, I find myself burned out by the ruling minority here on campus.

I read this paper only to find more of the same: Those who preach diversity through the elimination of opposing viewpoints. How many different groups are represented here on campus? How many student centers are there?

The way I see it, we only need one student center for the single group they serve, that of students, or are gays somehow different from students? I was recently told I couldn’t print religious material off in the computer labs. I wonder, does the same standard hold true for other “groups?” Same old story of freedom from religion I guess.

Does not our currency bear the motto “In God We Trust?” I fail to see the difference. If the Federal government can print it then why can’t I? If religion is so taboo here on campus then why won’t the university fulfill it’s ethical responsibility and hand over the Arrington files to the body to which they belong ethically if not legally. No purpose is served by keeping them here.

Besides, I wouldn’t even be allowed to print off a page of it. I think the overwhelming majority here on campus is for fairness, tolerance and diversity, and that’s my point. What we see in practice on this campus at this time represents none of those values.

Jeremy L. Parker