LETTER: Support Bush in decision

Dear Editor,

I am amazed that the discussion of the Kyoto protocol by many readers passes over the reasons that drove President Bush to pull out of this economically debilitating treaty.

Environmentalists, whose views receive so much press these days, seem to pass over the reasons that were given for this action and simply focus on whether or not global warming exists. As usual, those with environmental tunnel vision do not want to address the real issue at hand, but merely wish to stir up public fear about this issue.

The environmental concerns that this treaty attempts to address are debatable at best, but the economic problems it will create are not.

The Kyoto Protocol is economically stupid. The protocol requires major and costly restrictions on industry. This would be a good idea, however the Kyoto protocol does not require all countries to be held by these restrictions.

Only developing countries must make the costly changes to comply with this treaty. Thus this places an severe economic burden on companies that do business in developing countries, such as the United States. Thus many companies, when faced with such restrictions, will have a much greater incentive to move their factories and other operations to less developed countries that are not required to comply with the Kyoto Protocol.

If the treaty required all countries to comply with the same standards, then perhaps we could agree to such a treaty. As it stands, however, the treaty will only drive much needed funds and jobs from the American people. For this reason America should follow the direction of President Bush and reject the Kyoto treaty.

Gabriel White