Campus News Briefs

“A” to be lit blue in honor of professor The “A” on Old Main Tower at Utah State University will be lit blue Friday in honor of anthropology Professor David Lancy, who was named Utah’s Carnegie Professor of the Year in 2001. Lancy was named Utah’s Professor of the Year in 2001 by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Lancy received the award Tuesday in Washington, D.C. was selected among eight Utah nominees to receive the honors. He joins four other Utah State University professors who have received the award in recent years. He teaches Ethnography of Childhood, Systems Origins and Origins of Writing and Literacy. He also teaches Civilization/Humanities, one of the core general education courses at USU.

Meteor Shower to occur Sunday This year’s Leonid meteor shower will be visible before dawn Sunday. Forecasts suggest about 70 meteors will fall each minute or about 4,000 each hour around 5 a.m. Sunday. Olympic volunteers needed at ice arena The Bridgerland Community Ice Arena (BCIA) is seeking additional volunteers during January and February 2002. These volunteers will help at the ice arena during the training sessions of visiting Olympic athletes from China, Russia, France and Switzerland. Volunteer jobs include parking lot attendants, ice patchers, door monitors, clean-up crew members and ice monitors. Volunteer assignments include attending two required training sessions scheduled for the first weeks of December. In addition, all volunteers will be invited to a private celebration at the ice arena after the Olympic games are completed. Volunteers can also earn points for prizes based on the number of hours worked during this time. If interested, contact Tiffani Rudd at the Cache Valley Travel Region, 752-2161.

Ticket purchases go toward fund raiser Tickets can now be purchased for three fund-raising public performances by visiting Olympic teams at the Bridgerland Community Ice Arena (BCIA). The athletes are training at the new ice arena in Cache Valley as they prepare for the 2002 Olympic Winter Games. These public performance events include French figure skating on Feb. 4, a hockey game between Switzerland and Slovakia on Feb. 5 and Russian figure skating on Feb. 9. Tickets can be purchased for any or all events. The cost is $40 per person per performance. All ticket requests must be mailed to BCIA, P.O. Box 93, Hyde Park, UT, 84318-0093. For questions, contact BCIA at 787-2288.

Images in TV discussed via satellite

Prominent members of the African American culture discussed African Americans and the media at Media Society and Lectures ” Images of African-Americans on Prime-time Television.” The via satellite discussion was between Jannette Dates, Howard University media scholar; Tim Reid, an actor and director; and Mel Watkins, author. They represent a non-stereotypical look into the lives of African Americans today. Dates said she thinks African Americans are still stereotyped on TV today. All of the panelists agreed that African Americans were still cast negatively throughout television. The panel then took questions from colleges around the country. In speaking about television Reid said, works,” Reid.

Compiled by Statesman staff