‘The Wide Wolrd of magic’ to benefit scholarship fund

Danielle Hegsted

Mark Evans will be performing “The Mad World of Magic’ Saturday, and proceeds will go toward a scholarship fund for nontraditional women students.

The performance will be at the Kent Concert Hall and admission is $5.

Sharalyn Hartwell, Miss Cache Valley and a senior in print and broadcast journalism, is spearheading the event.

She said her platform is empowering women through education.

“Traditionally, Miss Cache Valley works with elementary students,” Hartwell said. “But I wanted to help adult women.”

Hartwell said the magician is a professional who tours all over the country. Initially, he taught himself and has since been training others in Salt Lake City.

Hartwell enlisted the help of 12 students from management human resources 3110 class for the project.

Scott Barth, a senior in mechanical engineering, said one of the requirements for the course was to participate in a service project.

Jill Zweifel, senior public relations major, said, “Sharalyn Hartwell, Miss Cache Valley, came to our professor with this project and my group chose to do it.”

Hartwell said, “Part of my enthusiasm for having the MHR classes help me, is that I hope someday when they are sitting on the other side of the desk and they are doing the hiring they will remember this experience and give women who are re-entering the workplace a chance.”

Barth said he was initially the one to jump on the project and acted as an intermediary between Hartwell and the rest of the group. Then, the group organized, prepared a public relations plan, obtained entertainment and searched out sponsors.

“[Hartwell] is energetic. She works really hard and does a lot of the leg work and gets the ball started so we can run with it,” Barth said. “If it wasn’t for what she has been doing, I don’t think we would have finished this project in a semester.”

Zweifel said she’s learned to share responsibility and use each person’s individual skills to accomplish more than before.

“Another benefit is what will come after the project is completed,” she said. “That of helping someone reach her dream of completing her education. Not just anyone, but a woman who may not be able to do so without this scholarship. Just knowing that really makes it worth the time we’ve put into it.”

Hartwell said her goal is to raise $5,000 to make five $1,000 scholarships for women who are returning to school. She said starting school for these women is often a scary thing and the scholarships give a chance for women to try school and see what it’s like.

She said, “If someone paves the way it’s not so scary and I hope there will be a better chance of them finding the funds and returning to school.

“This is honestly why I do pageants,” Hartwell said. “I love the opportunity to do service. My title has given me somewhat of a pull to get these things done.”

Zweifel said, “The scholarship is a great idea because it is so important for women to have their education. I love the fact that we are helping someone who may not be able to support herself through school because of other financial responsibilities.”

The magic show is sure to be a crowd-pleaser, Hartwell said. Kids will like it, parents will enjoy watching their kids and it’s a great date idea, something new to do in Cache Valley that also benefits a good cause.