QUICK PICKS: Daisy power brings joy

Heather Strsburg

I’m the type of person who finds pleasure in the small things in life – the feeling of itching a scratch, the release of sneezing. How good it felt to finish that six-page comparative analysis of Coleridge’s Kubla Khan and Doyle’s The Man with the Twisted Lip I started last night and finished 30 minutes before I had to go to my spin class this morning.

You know what I mean, the simple things.

I almost slipped in the slush the other day out of complete excitement when I looked in the window of one of those new Volkswagen Beetles and saw four Gerbera daisies in the vase on the dashboard. Even if you love snow, our nightly snow storms have become tedious.

Those huge yellow daisies were the happiest, sunniest things I’ve seen in a long time. Everyone, go out and buy someone you love a Gerbera daisy. Not only will it make the snow more bearable, but it might make finals a little more bearable, as well. Here’s my top five places in Logan to go.

5. Michael’s

If you’re cheap, Michael’s has fake Gerbera daisies for only $1.99. And while fake flowers are cheesy, they will last forever.1/2 Daisy

4. Albertsons

Go here if you feel like spending a little more and getting your flowers in a vase. They have two Gerbera daisies with a rose in a vase for $9.99.1/2 Daisy

3. Logan Floral

They don’t always carry Gerbera daisies, but they have them in stock right now and they are $3 a stem. The people who work here are also really helpful.2 Daisies

2. The Flower ShoppeThey charge $2.75 a stem, but you can get 10 percent off with your student ID, and it’s always nice to get flowers from the professionals. They usually last longer. 3 Daisies

1. Fred MeyersI see what you’re thinking, but they have a great selection and their Gerbera daisies are always fresh. Not to mention they are super-cheap. You can get three for only $3.4 Daisies