Where’s the ombudsman?


Dear Editor,After reading an article a month or two ago about Utah State’s Ombudsman, I was inspired. I crossed the “third floor gap” and filled out a form to the ombudsman including my name and contact information. I requested the lights in the wooded area directly north of the old heating plant be repaired. There are plenty of lights there, but none of them work. I thought that since such reparations seem minor I would see rapid results.I was wrong! The lights are still out and I have yet to hear a response from the ombudsman. On top of that, the snow is not being cleared on the stairways in the same area. This adds a whole new danger to walking along that path. I’d write to the ombudsman, but he’s too busy congratulating himself on the great publicity the Statesman gave him.Everyone’s familiar with the cliche “the squeaky wheel gets the grease.” Well squeak, squeak, squeak, now plug in the lights.Sincerely,Jay Carlson753-6204