LETTER: Thanks to MHR class for help

Dear Editor, I would like to publicly commend the efforts of members of MHR 3110, Managing Organizations and People, particularly those of: Scott Barth, Jason Dastrup, Jackie Gubler, Kara Holyoak, Ade Jimoh, Kyle Kennington, Matthew Shumann, Dwight Thomas, Jennifer Townsend, Tad Thorton, Chad Woods and Jill Zweifel. I worked closely with them over the past 10 weeks to plan and organize the benefit magic show held in the Kent Concert Hall Saturday, Nov. 17. Their efforts helped considerably to raise money for a scholarship I am setting up at the Women’s Center for re-entry women – women with a gap of five or more years in their education. I also must thank the students of Utah State University for their support, not only in attending the actual event, but in helping us get the word out about it. Through the whole experience of planning this benefit, I gained a profound respect for the people who plan the many events we enjoy on campus. It is truly a frightening experience. Luckily, I can say mine was positive and ended well, thanks to your support and the help of my team. I am grateful for my opportunity to serve and represent the students of USU and the residents of Cache Valley, and I only hope I can make everyone proud this June at Miss Utah.

Sharalyn HartwellMiss Cache Valley 2002