LETTER: Coach not there to baby crowd

Dear Editor, Student support over the years has contributed greatly to the success of our athletic programs at Utah State University. The Spectrum is one of the loudest places to play in college basketball, and dreaded by many. Until last Thursday, USU had the third-longest home-winning streak in the nation. Coincidence? USU Athletics, coaches and student athletes have always been very appreciative of the support from the students who attend games and create such an intense atmosphere for competition. The reputation of the Spectrum is a credit to you as students and fans. I’m proud to be associated with and represent you. However, I would like to say something to those of you who feel it’s your prerogative to redefine our reputation. Aggies are notoriously loud, energetic and yes, we can be somewhat obnoxious. These are qualities I am proud of, but there is a limit. During both the UC Irvine and Long Beach games, a “fan” decided to take the game out of the hands of the coaches and players by throwing paper onto the floor. Speaking for the Associated Students of USU Athletics Office and the thousands of students who showed up to support our team, I have to say this behavior is unacceptable and unappreciated. That our head coach had to walk away from his position as coach to play baby sitter to someone in the stands is ridiculous and pathetic. The pressure on the teams during games is high enough without compounding it with childish behavior. Coach Morrill should never have to worry about what’s going on in the stands. His job is to coach the athletes on the court. If you don’t like the way the game is being played, the way it’s being coached or the way it’s being refereed, stay home. If you’re a fan, be a fan. Be the right kind of fan. Support the Aggies. Don’t seek attention at the expense of the team and the other 10,000 people who showed up to do it right. Go Aggies.

Jennifer PutnamASUSU Athletic V.P.